Update your Hover account contact e-mail address

The email address in your Hover account is used to send renewal notices, password resets, and other important service updates. The backup email can be used to help recover your login should you lose access to your main email address.

Here are the steps to update the email addresses linked to your Hover account:

  1. Sign in to your Hover control panel using your chosen method of 2FA.
  2. Select Settings from the navigation bar.Navigation_bar_-_settings.jpg
  3. In the Contact Info section, click on Edit next to your email or your backup email to make changes.
    save image
  4. Once you've entered your new email address, click Save changes.
    save image
  5. If you also want a backup email address listed on your account, click on Edit next to backup email, enter another email address, and click Save changes.

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