Manage your Hover email notices and subscriptions

This article will show you how to customize your renewal and email notification settings.

  1. Sign in to your Hover control panel using your chosen method of 2FA.Hover_control_panel_sign_in.png
  2. Select Settings from the navigation bar.

  3. From the Overview page, click on Notifications.
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    From here, you can manage all the email notifications we send you:
    - Critical Notices (required)
    - ICANN Notices (required)
    - Pre-renewal reminders: 60, 30, 15, 7, 3, 1 day(s) in advance of the renewal date
    - Post-renewal reminders: 1, 7, 10 day(s) after, if the auto-renewal fails
    - Other: Promotions, Surveys, Customer Service, and System Announcements.

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