Managing sign in notifications and account activity

Sign in notifications and account activity features are an effective and increasingly important aspect in safely accessing your information and services at Hover. They deliver an extra layer of protection for your Hover account while significantly decreasing the risk of unauthorized access. 

Turning sign in notifications on or off

  1. Sign in to your Hover control panel using your chosen method of two-step sign in.
  2. Select Settings from the navigation bar.
  3. Two-step sign in must be turned on to disable sign in notifications.
    Note: To learn how to turn two-step sign in on, please see Enabling two-step sign in on your Hover account.
  4. Select Sign in notifications to turn the feature on or off.

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Viewing account activity

  1. Sign in to your Hover control panel using your chosen method of two-step sign in.
  2. Select Settings from the navigation bar.
  3. Select Activity from the Account Settings bar.Account_Activity.png
  4. A list of all recent sign ins and IP addresses used to access your Hover account will be displayed.

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Managing unauthorized account activity

If you have received a sign in notification email you do not recognize, the following steps can be taken to secure your account.

  1. Select Sign out of all sessions and lock account.

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