Magic token account sign in

The magic token feature makes it easier to log into your Hover account. Instead of using your login ID and password, use the email address listed as the primary on your account(s) for all Hover notifications.

Note: This feature only works with verified account email addresses. If two step-sign in is enabled it will then prompt you for another six-digit code sent via SMS or generated by an authenticator app.

  1. Navigate to the sign-in page and click Or sign in with magic token.
  2. Enter the email address associated with the Hover account and select Send token.
  3. The six-digit authentication code will be sent via email to the address specified and is active for 15 minutes.tokennumber.png
  4. If the email address specified is not associated with a Hover account, an email will be received to that email address stating no Hover account is found under that address.
  5. Enter the six-digit authentication code from the email and select Confirm code. 
  6. If there are multiple accounts under the same email address, select the username you are trying to sign in to.
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