.PRO registration requirements and legal types

.PRO registrations

The .PRO domain is reserved for licensed business and service professionals. There are no residency requirements for .PRO domain names.

.PRO domain names must be at least eight characters long, including the ".PRO" characters.

The minimum registration period for .PRO domains is one year and the maximum is ten years.

To register a .PRO domain name, registrants must meet the following qualifications:

  • Provide professional services.
  • Admitted to or licensed by a government certification body or jurisdictional licensing entity recognized by a governmental body that regularly verifies the accuracy of its data.
  • In good standing with the licensing authority.

The .PRO name registration form contains some additional fields that indicate the registrant's eligibility to own a .PRO name:

  • Profession Name— The stated profession of the registrant. This field is mandatory.
  • Authority Name— The name of the authority from which the registrant receives their professional credentials. This field is optional.
  • Authority Website— The URL to an online resource for the authority, preferably, a member search directory.
  • License Number— The license number of the registrant's credentials, if applicable.

The PRO registry does not support extensions in phone and fax numbers. If you include an extension in the number, for example, +1.4165550123x1234, the string will be accepted, but the registry drops the extension part of the number, and the resulting number becomes +1.4165550123


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