.AERO domains are exclusively for members of the aviation industry, such as airlines, airports, and qualifying companies and individuals.
Hover no longer supports new registrations of .AERO domains. We will continue supporting those domains that are already registered, however, we cannot support new registrations.
This TLD is managed under ICANN's registrar system. You may register a .AERO domain through an ICANN-accredited registrar.
To register a .AERO domain, you first need to obtain a .AERO ID.
Société Internationale de Télécommunications Aéronautiques (SITA) will verify if you are an eligible member of the aviation community. You may be asked to provide data certifying your eligibility, such as a website, company documents, pilot license, or other applicable information.
For more information on the .AERO domain, refer to the .AERO policies.
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