Processing no-hassle renewals

Hover's no-hassle renewal feature allows you to renew a domain or email address without having access to your Hover account.

This feature is useful if you cannot log in to your Hover account and need to renew right away to avoid service interruption or to restore service.

It is also helpful if you want to renew for a friend or family member.

Note: Login is required to make any changes to the services linked to the domain. No-hassle renewals can only be used to process renewal and do not indicate any level of domain ownership. 

    1. Navigate to the Hover renewal page and enter the domain or email address you would like to renew, followed by the white right-pointing arrow.
    2. Select Add to cart.
    3. Click Proceed to cart.
    4. Review the cart and select Secure checkout.
    5. At the account login screen, enter random credentials to trigger the no-hassle process.
    6. You will be prompted with an invalid username or password error. This is expected. We want to fail the login twice to trigger the no-hassle renewal feature. Choose Sign in again.
    7. Once the no-hassle renewal feature has been triggered, select Renew without signing in.
    8. Choose Yes, skip sign in.
    9. Enter the required billing information, followed by Continue.
    10. To receive a copy of the invoice, enter your email address and click the box to agree to the terms of service, followed by Submit order.
      Note: this receipt will not be listed in your Hover account's invoices. Ensure you keep this email if required for business needs. 

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